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Ellis offers premium valuation services throughout the USA and around the world. Contact us to discuss the details of your project and see if we’re the right fit.

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Supporting Services

The primary service provided by EIS is Market Value Appraisal (Market Valuation) of mineral properties (including mines and quarries) and royalty and other partial interests in the properties. EIS also selectively conducts valuation of mineral businesses and valuation of damages and losses to such businesses.

Most market value appraisals that EIS conducts are based on the current documented technical knowledge of the mineral property, or the lack thereof, including mineral resource and reserve estimates, and current or readily available product market information. That is, EIS generally does not generate new knowledge about a mineral property before determining its value.

However, EIS may selectively provide a number of supporting or supplementary services when conducting appraisals, particularly if the intended use of the valuation is a litigation use. Sometimes significant efficiencies and advantages for the client are achieved by having these services conducted by the same person or group, especially if provided as part of the mineral valuation assignment. Mr. Ellis has testified as an expert in court on a number of supporting services that EIS has provided.

The following are the main supporting services, some of which may be provided through subcontract:

Our Supporting Services

  • Appraisal of Surface Real Estate – In addition to land surface, this includes building structures, timber and water rights.  Ellis is a Certified General Appraiser licensed in Colorado.  Usually he can easily and quickly obtain equivalent licensing in the other U.S. states.
  • Geological EvaluationMr. Ellis is a Certified Professional Geologist (AIPG) with 20 years of experience conducting mineral exploration and evaluation of mineral tracts. He maintains professional geologist licensing in some U.S. states.
  • GeostatisticsGeostatistical review may be conducted in-house. Geostatistical modeling may be performed by an associate who is one of the world’s leading geostatisticians (PhD from Colorado School of Mines).
  • Resource Estimation and Reserve Verification – Ellis has been accepted as a Qualified/Competent Person for Mineral Resource-Reserve reporting by western world stock exchanges and for estimates delivered in some courts. (Competency in this regard may be viewed as geology and mineral specific).
  • Due Diligence Investigation – The extent of due diligence performed for verification of the mineral property information is dependent on the client’s needs and the intended use of the valuation report.
  • Mineral Processing Review – An EIS associate is a mineral processing specialist (metallurgical engineering degree from Colorado School of Mines).
  • Environmental Review – Ellis has a number of years of experience as an environmental analyst. An EIS associate has a Master Degree in environmental engineering (Colorado School of Mines).
  • Mineral Product Market Studies – Ellis has a Masters Degree in Mineral Economics (Colorado School of Mines) and has extensive experience in conducting transportation and product supply-demand studies.
  • Preliminary Mine Design and Prefeasibility Study – One of our EIS associates is a PhD mining engineer (Colorado School of Mines), experienced in conducting these services.
  • Project Economic Evaluation – Mr. Ellis specialized in this niche in his masters degree studies, followed by many years of experience conducting economic evaluations of mining and energy industry projects. He has lectured extensively in this niche.